Day two
Remember to google the “mac way” before defaulting to linux/unix way
“You can automatically mount your Windows drive every time you login to your Mac by adding it to your Login items. In System Preferences, Accounts, choose the “Login Items” tab and add the Volume to the list of apps that automatically start up. Thanks” DONE
Check Daysydisk
Check Airfoil
Check Fusion or parallels or whine or crossover - POSPONED
dropbox or live mesh - both installed DONE : evaluating which to keep
move images to mediacenter.
setup backup of images and lightroom catalog.
setup a vmware ubuntu kit on windows mediacenter to act as timemachine server
git, source tree, aquaemacs - DONE
wacom tablet (only driver , not dock)DONE
Imported first batch of photos
a few website jobs done.
TODO: Lightroom exports
TODO: Quicksilver
TODO: Lightroom enter serial key
DONE: Installed 16 gb ram. 2x2gb so-dim spare.
Edited first batch of photos - smoooooooth
TODO: fork javasript service layer framework.
Textmate posponed. emacs installed. maybe later.
need to fine home project repo